the African Lane Magazine's third Edition

Gamuchirai Christine Zari, a South African, creates and markets cute teddy bears to support her family.

the African Lane Magazine's third Edition

Christine, who uses wool to crochet adorable teddies and other stuffed animals, decided to learn how to crochet from her friend because of her family’s financial situation and her desire to use it to help her family. The last thing she wanted was to be poor, so she had to be innovative. After her crochet classes with her friend, she got a loan from her to start her business.

the African Lane Magazine's third Edition

She launched her little business, Christine’s Teddy Bears, in 2017. In her words, “l work from home and sell [my teddies] in the streets and markets.

Excerpt from the African Lane Magazine’s third Edition.

The African Lane Magazine's third Edition

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The African Lane Magazine Third Edition


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