Photo Credit: G.S. Matthews
Photo Credit: G.S. Matthews


A slew of festivals go on throughout the year in Tanzania featuring traditional dress and dance, such as the Wanyambo Festival in Dar es Salaam and the Mwaka Kogwa Festival in Zanzibar. There are also periodic arts and film events, while objects of fascination can be picked up at markets nationwide.

The Tanzania culture is Swahili, an Arab/African mix, but there are also big Asian communities, particularly Indian, in towns and cities. Tribes inhabit rural areas, including the Maasai of the Great Rift Valley of the north. It is okay to photograph the locals, but always ask first. Some Maasai will charge you for this.

Zanzibar is predominantly Muslim so attention to dress is paramount and women should always keep knees and shoulders covered. Guides and cooks on safaris expect to be tipped, as do waiters in city restaurants (typically 10 percent). Tanzanians are big on shaking hands and small talk.


Facts about Tanzania