Goge Africa launches destination West Africa project

To activate intra-Africa tourism, Goge Africa and its partners have flagged off Destination West Africa project in order to encourage Africans to travel within Africa.
Considering how intra Africa travel and tourism has had its challenges bordering from lack of awareness of its destinations, to barriers that impede air travel, which has further been exacerbated in a post pandemic era, the organisers are now campaigning for a firm policy around African travels.
The project will see the organisers engage with government, policy makers, national tourism boards and stakeholders in host countries.
The campaign will kick off with the West coast of Africa. The first leg will see them touring four West Africa countries, namely; Benin, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast, with Nigeria as the hub, while the second leg spans Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea Conakry.
Each leg of the project will take a minimum of two weeks. The team comprises Destination promoters, tour operators, media, bloggers, influencers, travel and tourism advocacy group, TV show hosts and celebrities.

The organisers noted that West Africa offers free movement and visa-free opportunity through ECOWAS protocol, which makes it easier and affordable for the tourists. “The team will visit tourist attractions to shine the light on destinations with the aim to promote trade and economic activities