Four Rwanda genocide memorials added to UNESCO World Heritage list

A photo taken on 2 December 2105 shows the Bisesero memorial

A photo taken on 2 December 2105 shows the Bisesero memorial

A giant photograph in remembrance of the 1994 genocide stands inside Rwanda's Genocide Museum in Gisozi
A giant photograph in remembrance of the 1994 genocide stands inside Rwanda’s Genocide Museum in Gisozi

“New inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Genocide memorial sites: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero”, indicated UNESCO on X (ex-Twitter). These four sites commemorate the massacres which bloodied Rwanda over a hundred days between April and July 1994, targeting the Tutsi ethnic group but also moderate Hutus.

Across Rwanda, churches became slaughterhouses during the genocide. Some are now genocide memorials and mass graves.
Across Rwanda, churches became slaughterhouses during the genocide. Some are now genocide memorials and mass graves.

Located on Gisozi Hill a few kilometres from the centre of the capital Kigali, the Genocide Memorial, built in 1999 and inaugurated in 2004, is the main one of some 200 places of remembrance which dot “the country of a thousand hills”.

The site notably houses the remains of 250,000 people found in the streets, houses, mass graves and rivers of Kigali and its surroundings.

In the museum retracing the history of Rwanda, the visitor finds himself confronted with display cases displaying skulls, bone fragments, torn clothing, images of piled up corpses, portraits of victims and weapons – machetes, clubs, rifles – used by genocidaires.

Nyamata is one of the four memorial sites added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites
Nyamata is one of the four memorial sites added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites © Jacques NKINZINGABO / AFP/File

The other sites classified by UNESCO were the scene of some of the bloodiest killings of the genocide. In the Nyamata church, about forty kilometers south of Kigali, 50,000 people who had sought refuge there were massacred in one day.

Rwanda genocide memorials added to UNESCO World Heritage list
Preserved skulls are spread out on metal shelf in Catholic church in Nyamata / Photo: Reuters

The building has been transformed “into a memorial representative of other churches in which the victims of the genocide died”, states UNESCO on its website.

On Murambi Hill, about 150 km southwest of Kigali, local authorities and the former Rwandan armed forces called in April 1994 on the Tutsi population to regroup in a technical school group under construction under the pretext of guaranteeing their security, before massacring them. Between 45,000 and 50,000 people died there.

Preserved corpses of some of the tens of thousands of ethnic Tutsis massacred at the Murambi school
Preserved corpses of some of the tens of thousands of ethnic Tutsis massacred at the Murambi school


 The Bisesero site notably commemorates the resistance led, with spears, machetes and sticks, by Tutsi against the genocidaires who murdered hundreds of people in the hills of this region in the west of the country. The Bisesero massacres are one of the most sensitive episodes of the genocide.

A photo taken on 2 December 2105 shows the Bisesero memorial
A photo taken on 2 December 2105 shows the Bisesero memorial

In June, French justice relaunched the investigation into the complaint of several associations, which accuse the forces of the French military-humanitarian mission Turquoise of having, from June 27 to 30, 1994, knowingly abandoned the Tutsi civilians taking refuge in the hills of Bisesero, allowing the massacre of hundreds of them to take place.

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