The African Lane Magazine 4th Edition

The African Lane Magazine 4th Edition
“There is no place like Africa. There is something about the spirit of the people, the beauty of the land, and the diversity of the wildlife that touches the soul.” Tony Fitzjohn stated, and we must constantly remind ourselves of this. There is always a noteworthy feat about us Africans.
Therefore, as we work to improve our lot in life, we should never lose sight of where we come from and what makes us Africans, resisting the urge to prove a point, and trying to be acceptable or likable. As Chimamanda Adichie said, “Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that dignity.
Hence, the 4th edition of The African Lane Magazine features mind-blowing informative, educative contents that will enhance your life, business, education, and career, from how to add your Africaness to your daily life to starting and growing your business to professionally crafting a CV, achieving success in your academics to excelling as an undergraduate, and so many others. How about you take a chill pill and navigate the pages of the magazine with an open mind.
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